Thursday, October 25, 2012

Ninjago llyod Costume of a Little Boy's Dreams!

 My little six year son wanted to this Ninja here from Ninjago. His name is Llyod. If you ask him he will tell you he wants to be Llyod more than anything for Halloween. (Yes, I did have to ask the first time who in the world is Lloyd??) He didn't think that I could pull off the costume he wanted at first. Well he isn't douting any more!
 Doesn't he look to be in full Ninja mode here? ;)
I used Oliver + S pattern Sleepover Pajamas for his costume. It worked out very nicely for this too. I used all flannel fabric for the main part to make it nice and warm for a chilly night of candy collecting. My thinking is that he can used these for pj's after Halloween as well.
 I made what seems a ton of shiny gold things to sew on this ninja outfit everywhere. It very pretty to sew. It sparkled in the light of my sewing machine.  hehehehe But aside from joking this thing took what seemed like forever to sew. It was started on Sunday and I just finished very late last.
 It was totally worth it too! I had fun making this costume as much as he loves.
I made a simple belt and made the pattern for the shoulder plates and the hood. It was not not as hard as I thought it would be. Just a ton of sewing. I am glad to be done!
No time for me to rest either. I am on to the next costume for my 8 year boy. Until then...
Happy sewing!!



  1. Excuse my ignorance as to the character (not a clue!) but as far as the costume goes, wow! You are on fire!! This is amazing!

  2. How did you do the epaulettes? I'm currently working with the same pattern but for Jay, the blue ninja. Your's is very impressive!!

    1. I'll post tomorrow how made them for you. It's fairly easy but takes a bit of time. And thank you!

  3. Wow! My 10 year old would LOVE this costume! Great job!

    1. Thanks! My two other boys wanted a costume like this one too. I told them next year. ;)

  4. Great job! I hope you will link this up to The CSI Project today. The challenge this week is DIY Halloween Costumes. You just might win!

  5. My 6yo has been asking for a ninjago costume for a while and I have been racking my brain how to create it. Thankyou for such wonderful inspiration. Absolutely amazing!

    1. Thank you! It was neet to see how it all come together.

  6. oh my goodness, this is awesome!
    I would LOVE for you to link this up at my Ginger Jamboree Link Party!!

  7. Your costume came out great! My son is obssessed with Lego Ninjago. He's being the white one for Halloween. There was no changing his mind, I'm almost done his costume, I'd better hurry up as he will need it tomorrow.

    1. That's how this boy is too. He had been telling he wanted to Llyod for some time. It's wonderufl too how excited he is to wear his costume tonight. It makes all the time put into making it worth it.

  8. OMGosh! My grandson, Bradyn thinks this is the most awesome costume! Nana is off to see if she can make this for Christmas. Thank you for sharing!

  9. Hey! I am trying to make the same costume for my nephew for Christmas and I'm using sweat pants/hoodie for the base clothes. But I was wondering if I could get a pattern for the decorative pieces you put on the costume? And it would be great if you could help me with the shoulder pieces too please :)

    1. That easier than you think! The gold and green decorative pieces were made by tracing the end of a spool thread, the golden ones traced in a cluster of three and the green one was by tracing it once then drawing out a rectangle on one side of it. I then sewn on a button in the middle of the green part. The green and gold decorations are felt pieces I bought in the craft department at Hobby Lobby.

      Now for the shoulder pattern pieces I traced out three more circles using a small children's cup then traces out a rectangle to one side, each circle being a bit longer than the other by an 1 1/2" for a size 7.Cutout two of each in a gold fabric. Sew them together wrong sides together leaving an opening for stitching, turn and stuff then hand stitch the opening closed. After I had three of these I hand stitched the all together(biggest at bottom and smallest at top) then hand stitched them onto the shoulders. Have fun sewing this! I would love to see pictures when you are finished. : )

  10. Do you have a DIY on this costume???


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