Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Bubble Dress!

 I not sure if anyone has noticed but bubble dresses and skirts are popping up everywhere! A friend asked me to make her daughter a bubble dress and gave me the pattern for it so I thought why not make Sweet pea one too!
 I love the Azaleas, they are so beautiful this time of year! I think they make a nice back drop for spring pictures. :)
  I used McCall's pattern #M6271. This is the only pattern I have made that I didn't change, it was easy to use and went together nicely. I bought the fabric from Hobby Lobby, it is some of my favorite fabric.
This dress has elastic on the back bodic for a nice fit. It also ties behind the neck for a halter top and the sash ties in a big in the back. I like this dress because I can use a Shirt underneth when it is cooler out or use the dress as is when it's hot out.

I not sure what the deal was here but my youngest son makes the funny faces! lol

Happy Sewing!!


  1. Wow!!! This is so cute...I got to learn to sew better:)

  2. Cute cute! She looks adorable, and I love the fabrics you used! Thanks for linking to my Sew Crafty Saturday Party !

  3. Very cute!! I love the bubble skirt. I want to attempt one too.

    Thank you for visiting my blog!

  4. She is very cute and the outfit adorable.


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