Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Raggedy Ann Apron Tutorial

Here is as promised the tutorial for the Raggedy Ann apron! Now I did use a pattern for the dress and bloomers. I used the O+S Family Reunion dress but reworked a tad. I wanted a very nice dress that she could use after the dress up day and this pattern worked out nicely for that. Now onto the tutorial!
These measurements a for a toddler size 18-24 months but it should resize very easily though.

**Cut out the following**
*apron skirt, 12 1/2"x37"
*Arm straps, cut (2) 4"x18" (there will extra length for sizing later on)
*waist band, 3"x19"
*Ties, cut (2) 4"x25"

First angle cut the end of both ties, just the end though leave the end that will be attached to apron straight. 
Next make a rolled hem using a serger, if you don't have a serger you can make a narrow hem but be sure to add the seam allowance to the ties before cutting. Serge all the way around except for the end that will be attached to the skirt.
Now take the apron skirt and press a hem a 1/4" the whole way around. Press under again a 1/4" the whole way around. Now stitch in place. 

Onto the shoulder straps. Fold in half as to make a long narrow tub with the right sides of the fabric together. Stitch in place using a 3/8" seam allowance. Turn and press flat with the seam in the center back of strap. Now edge stitch both sides of the straps. Leave the leanght for now, we will cut them to size in a bit.

Take the waist band fabric and fold in half length ways and stitch using a 1/4" seam allowance. Turn and press with teh seam in the center back. NOw take both ends and fold the raw edges in about 1/2" and press.,**don't stitch yet!!**

Now run a gathering stitch across the top of the skirt 1 1/2"s down form the top edge of the skirt. Make a second gathering stitch 1/2" down for this.
Pin the center of the waist band to the center of the skirt. Now gather up skirt pinning in place as you go. work with the skirt until it is where you like the look of it.
Now onto the ties, taking the raw edge of one ties hand fold it up.
It should look something like this. Make sure that the serge edge of the ties are on the facing to the outside. Take this and place it under the waist band. Pin in place. Repeat with other tie.
This is what it should like after pinning inplace.
For the shoulder straps I placed the apron over her Raggedy Ann dress and found the center of the dress and matched it to the center of the apron. I then found where and how long I needed my straps. I then pinned the straps in place. Also make sure that the front starps are a bit angled for a better fit. 
Everything is now pinned in place. Edge stitch around the entire waist band, stitching over the straps and ties twice as to hold them in a bit better. By edge stitching the waist band it sews everything right into place. That's it, the apron is done!

This is my favorite part, letting my Sweet pea try on her new creation! and oh how I love ruffly, frilly, girly things too!
Great for twirling and bouncing in. :)
And a beautiful full bow in the back, gotta love this too. ;) Enjoy!

Happy Sewing



  1. Your real life Raggedy Ann is just the cutest in her outfit!

  2. I LOVE how retro it looks! Well done!

  3. I am channelling my 70s childhood right now. This is the cutest outfit I have seen today. So precious.

  4. This is adorable. I loved Raggedy Ann when I was growing up.

  5. Thank you so much for your tutorial! I was able to follow it (with a little twist) and make my own apron for my Raggedy Ann for Halloween!! I can not wait until she is able to wear it!!! Thanks again so much!!!!


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