Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Sweet pea Dress Tutorial; Part 3

Sorry that this post has takingen so long to put up but with four kids sometimes it is hard to be able to sit down. ;) Now lets finish this beautiful spring dress!
1; Take the three skirt lining pieces of fabric you have already cut out and pin the two side pieces to both sides of the center skirt piece. Stitch them in place and serge or zig zag stitch the raw edges where you just sewn. Press the seams open. Next hem the bottom of the lining, press under 1/4" and then again a 1/4" then sew in place. Do not sew the back of the skirt together! It will be done on the last step.
2; Take the three eye lit pieces of the skirt and pin the back two pieces to both sides of the center skirt and sew in place. Then serge or zig zag the raw edges.
3; Take the skirt lining and lay it down with the sewn side down and the finished side up. Then lay the eye lit skirt on t of this. The skirt lining should be up 1/2" from the bottom of the eye lit fabric. Match up the seams and pin the top of the skirts together, baste them together using a 1/4" seam allowance. (this will hold the two skirts together to gather them up and to sew them to the bodice)
4;take the side of the skirt and pin the lining to eye lit, baste in place. Repeat with other side of the skirt. (this will hold it in place to attach the skirt to the bodice)
5; Take the bodice and baste the back two edges useing a 1/4" seam allowance, this will hold the lining to the bodice back as we are sewing the skirt on.
6; run a gathering stitch across the top of the skirt. I do this in three setions, the two sides and then the center. It makes it easier to gather and if a string breaks I don't have to redo the whole skirt. Pin the seams onto to bodice then gather up th center first then the sides pining as you go.
7; Now stitch them all togther useing a 3/8" seam allowance. (On this dress sew the lineing with the front of the bodice to the skirt. The lining and the eye lit fabric of the bodice are treated as one when sewing the skirt on.) Serge or zig zag the raw edge to seal the skirt and bodice fabric.
8; now serge or zig zag down the back from the top of the bodice to the very bottom of the skirt. (remember that the lining skirt will be up a 1/2" and will stay in place when it is serge to the eye lit skirt) repeat on ther back side.

9; To finish this dress I placed a zipper in the back. I tried a different way of puting a zipper in this time than what I uslly do, it is easier than other ways. Jess over at Craftiness is not Optional has the best tutorial on it. Here is how she does it.  That's and we are done!

All ready for a little girl to enjoy!


1 comment:

  1. What a cute dress. I featured your Easter dress at DIY Home Sweet Home. Be sure to stop by and grab your "I was featured button"


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